Malnutrition happens when a child is not getting the right amount of nutrients per day from both the food they eat and the vitamins they take. Being malnourished means that a child is not in full health, and this can have detrimental effects on their body.
One, malnutrition means that the child’s body is not able to build an early resistance to diseases. Having a weak immune system means that he or she could easily get infected by communicable diseases like measles, mumps, and the flu. In extreme cases, they can get sick enough to the point that it results in their death.
Also, if a child is not absorbing sufficient amounts of nutrients, their growth potential is affected. Long-term malnutrition could lead to stunted growth beyond adolescent years. They might not be healthy enough to work during their adult years, or, at the least, they might find it difficult to deal with stress without getting sick, and taking time off from work.
Finally, malnutrition can also affect brain development. A malnourished child may find it difficult to deal with schoolwork and other tasks in early childhood education in New Jersey.
To ensure good nutrition, it’s important to watch what and how much a child eats for his or her meals. If a child is enrolled in a day care center, make sure that the meals they serve are nutritious and safe for the kids to eat.
If you entrust your little ones to us at DiBiase Baby Steps, you can be sure that he is under the care of one of the best providers of child care in Vineland, New Jersey.
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