Infants and toddlers are naturally curious. They like to explore and move around. They like to stick their fingers in unusual places and put things in their mouth. They like to push and pull over furniture, play with hanging cords, and grab anything within their reach. Even the most harmless room can be a dangerous place for children.
Don’t wait until disaster strikes before you think about childproofing your home. With a little equipment and careful planning, you can keep your child safe at home. Here are some safety recommendations from DiBiase Baby Steps, a top source of child care in Vineland, New Jersey:
- Ensure that the crib is set up safely.
Once your baby is able to sit up, make sure to lower the crib mattress. Ensure that all hardware is secure and tight-fitting. The mattress should fit snugly in the crib frame to prevent your child from getting stuck and suffocating. Also, keep the crib away from windows, as well as lamps, digital alarm clocks, and other electrical appliances. - Install safety gates.
These barriers are to prevent your baby from wandering into rooms that are off-limits. For instance, the kitchen has numerous risk hazards, so it’s a good idea to keep that area of your home off-limits. Also, install gates at the top and bottom of your stairs. - Put photo frames out of reach.
If your child drops or knocks over a frame, the glass can shatter and cut them. To be safe, put frames well out of reach or securely mount them on a wall. - Use cordless window blinds.
Cords are a serious risk hazard – a child can get his neck caught in a looped cord and be strangled. Eliminate this hazard by cutting the loops or if possible, invest in cordless window coverings. - Never leave standing water in the sink or tub.
It only takes a small amount of water to create a drowning hazard. - Lock medicine away.
Sometimes, it’s not enough to keep medications up high; children can find ways to reach up to higher places. Some medicines are colorful and look appealing to children and they’ll do whatever they can to reach it. So, as much as possible, lock them somewhere your child can’t find and reach them.
Make sure to share this post from your friendly day care center to keep other parents informed about these safety tips!
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